Monday, 1 June 2015

Hello Amigos,
I have kept myself away from this blog for a long time now but never forgot about it. A lot has happened since I posted on it last time. I left Jamie Oliver's Recipease and I have opened my little South Indian Cafe with my Business partner Euan Sey in Brighton, UK called 'Curry Leaf Cafe'. Go to for more information on the Cafe.
It has been more 13 months since we have opened our doors and just after 1 year we have opened up the second kitchen.
 It has been an amazing roller coaster ride for me and has been very exciting and challenging at the same time but I am very proud that I have put South Indian food that I grew up eating on the culinary map of Brighton.
It has been a really busy crazy year for me so I had to put this blog on the back burner but I always wanted to come back to it and start sharing recipes,
stories and memories again.
So, though it might not be very frequent but I shall definitely keep posting on this blog again.
Cooking is fun but sharing what you cook is even more fun.
 Thank you all for supporting me and following my blog and I shall soon come up with interesting stuff.
'my food is not about fine dining, it's about fun dining'
Hasta Luego

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